Sunday, August 4, 2013

Too old to blog?

Today we were heading out to a friend's party, being held in honor of her son who is on his way to college.  He happens to also be one of my son's best friends.  As we were leaving, I grabbed my camera.  My teenager, mortified by pretty much everything I do asked why I was taking it.  To take pictures, of course.  Well, why can't I just take the little camera, why do I lug that big SLR camera everywhere?  I might want to add some of the pictures to my blog and it takes better pictures.

Now, the next series of questions, asked in rapid-fire succession, will tell you a lot about my Know-it-All offspring.  Why do you have a blog anyway?  Aren't you a little old for that?  Taking pictures, blogging, painting ...what's next?  I mean, shouldn't you be moving forward, not backward?  Since he doesn't think I should do anything but lay low, I'm going to "out" him right here.  Here's the guilty party.  The one who doesn't think his mother should have a life outside of shuttling him here and there, giving him money and letting him practice his very bad driving in her car:

See that smug look on his face?  That pretty much sums it up.  (BTW, the empty beer bottle belongs to whoever had that table before we confiscated it--snooze ya lose!)  His sister is so great about tolerating his constant barrage of unwanted observations and snarky comebacks. He's almost 16.  He thinks this is his job. 

Another alien invaded my kitchen today.  After sharing half of her free, organic veggie haul with me, I go to my sister's house today and find that she hasn't cooked any of hers.  I left with a fistful of chard, which I cooked as soon as I got home.  Just some olive oil and seasoned sea salt.  Sauteed about 5 minutes, then cooked another 5 with a splash of green tea.  Don't know if I've mentioned it before, but I drink copious amounts of the stuff, and use any excuse I can to add it to what I eat.  Love it!  The chard was so good, and Mr. Smug up there, upon rising at about 1p, ate a bowl of it.  No complaints, so I guess that I'm not too old to cook.  Yet. 
Trust me, it tasted as good as it looks.

As far as the alien mentioned, it was another kohlrabi.  Now we've already been through this, but in case you missed it, here's what happened the last time I encountered this mystery veggie.

 Poor sister kicked you to the curb.  She's not getting any when I cook you!

All this healthy eating could become a habit.  Just kidding!  

Great health fair today!  Tons of freebies--school supplies, health screenings and special performances by some of Chicago's most talented youth.  

Okay, I'm on about hour 9 of my energy drink...yes, it's worn off and I am sleepy...very sleepy.  I would have had this post done an hour ago if Mr. "Mom's an Embarrassment" hadn't interrupted me by sitting on my bed and showing me the five or six pairs of far-too-expensive gym shoes that he wants.  He figures that with this being his 16th, all the stops will be pulled out and he will be successful in closing the deal on a couple of them.  Haha...I hope he's not too disappointed!  All kidding aside, he's a great young man and honestly, he gets that sarcasm from his mother.  That would be me, guilty as charged.  Still accepting ideas for the big party, so let me know if you have some great ideas for me.  Thanks!

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