Friday, August 2, 2013

Good Deeds.

I feel like I've done my share of them today.  I took a few of the nieces and nephews out for a movie and lunch.  We saw the new "Smurf" movie and it was so nice to have something age-appropriate, entertaining, funny and unoffensive for them to watch.  I enjoyed it too, but I, like many other people, have my questions about Vanity Smurf.  As I typed in the question "is Vanity Smurf gay?" I discovered that there are pages and pages of discussion about this topic.  Go Figure!  I wasn't interested enough to do much reading, but it was pretty funny to see that not only do other people have this same idea, but that they are interested enough to keep up an online discussion.  For me, Vanity is as cute as all the other smurfs and he has a great personality.  I don't really care about his sexual orientation, I just wondered what the thought process was when creating that character.  But, he's a smurf...a little blue such matters shouldn't be on the radar as of yet.  He's funny though!

I drove downtown Chicago (not my favorite thing to do) to help someone pick up a bed.  A queen size bed.  In the back of my car.  There were three of us, and my daughter was downtown waiting for me to pick her up.  I finally just had to tell her to take the train.  We arrived home at the same time. It is also Lollapalooza weekend here, so the streets were teeming with concertgoers wearing the "uniform" of short shorts, boots and backpacks.  Some of them were covered in mud.  They said that they were caught in the rain, but it looked a lot muddier than that.  The combination of more than usual Chicago traffic, extra traffic personnel standing in the middle of the streets, and young people who had nowhere to go and were in no hurry to get there meant that a five minute trip around the block took about 20 minutes.  Twice.  To get smoothies.  I mean, since I was down there, I might as well.

I volunteered to take pictures at a community event that my daughter is putting together.  VOLUNTEERED...see, I'm just way too nice today!  I need to go eat a sour pickle of something.  In order to do this, I had to cancel on a DIY brunch, complete with a mimosa bar. Mimosa Bar. Yes, you read it right.

Today kept me busy, but I've been neglecting my health, not taking my vitamins, not exercising (falling up the stairs doesn't count, I hear) and not eating right.  After a few days of this, I'm feeling sluggish and lousy.  It only takes a few days for me to go downhill.  Fortunately, I recover quickly, too!  As I sit here on the edge of my bed, I have the shiatsu massager on my feet and a huge cup of three different tea bags, each promising a different health benefit.  The basic promise of all of them is detoxification.  I think there's a lot to that, though some think it's just a lot of talk.  I always feel better after I spend just a day or two eating better and drinking cleansing teas.  I hope that tomorrow is no exception since I really need to feel better soon.  I have a dinner to go to tomorrow night, and I won't enjoy myself at all if I feel sluggish.  So, I'm trying to "unslug".  Hey, a new word!  And a disgusting one at that!

I pulled out a couple of pairs of shoes, trying to decide which one to paint, but I like both of them a lot and really don't want to mess with 'em.  You know what that means...I have to make a trip to the thrift store.  I'm so proud of me--I haven't been since last Friday!  Such restraint deserves a reward.  Oh wait...there was a Craigslist item that I found and drove 45 minutes to pick up.  Never mind, I won't go.  But I can't say that I won't make a few U-turns if I see any garage sales.

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