Tuesday, August 27, 2013

If I Could Climb Into the Fridge, I Would

Okay, as if I don't have enough natural heat generated over here, in comes the 90+ weather!  I thought I was getting by easy...few days over 80 here in Chicago, and while I really don't like cold weather, I was absolutely loving that stretch of 60 and 70 degree weather.  I went to the beach one day when it was just over 60.  Man, that was great!  I never would have thought I'd see the day when I lived for the cold.  Of course, I never could have imagined the extreme discomfort of feeling like your head and neck are shrouded in a giant heating pad.  I write about this a lot, I know, but it is always a current event for me.  The other day I bought a watermelon and it was pretty good!  Still not like the super sweet, dense ones my Dad always brought home, but definitely worth a slice or two.  For some reason the kids didn't seem interested, so today, just two days after bringing it home, I polished off the last of the watermelon.  No, I don't feel guilty or stuffed or gross.  I just feel like I want some more watermelon.  If I could, I'd climb into the fridge with it and just eat it in there.

I posted my picture in my super cheap maxi skirt onto my Facebook page.  Everyone is cracking up at my Mom's comment that I looked like I was ready for Halloween.  No one is surprised.  She pretty much says whatever she feels like saying and guess what?  She gets away with it.  I can't wait for my turn!

I'm taking my daughter for a job interview tomorrow morning.  It's pretty far to travel every day, so I'm doing the logical thing...looking for a job in the same area!  We might as well make twice the money since we're using up gobs of this crazily overpriced gas.  All my "mad money" goes into the tank now and it makes me really mad.  This is not what it used to mean, is it?  Everything must change.

I took some pictures with Gertrude the mannequin today and I think I like them!  Of course, I had to take 20 before I found the three that I could live with.  Four straight days of no yoga pants or t-shirts.  Tomorrow, I'm going for Day 5, and this is with the temps skyrocketing.  I'll post pictures if it happens.  If not, you'll know that I am back in uniform, trying to stay cool and definitely staying out of the public eye.

Me and Gertie

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