Friday, September 20, 2013

I Feel Like A Fashionista...

...but I am decidedly not!  I don't shop brands, I shop looks and at this stage in my life, I shop what fits.  This fact alone limits my wardrobe choices greatly (just because it's in my size doesn't know the rest.)  I do believe I'm on my way to doing something about that.  Blame Credit the latest health scare.  In an effort to stay busy, thus keeping myself out of the kitchen, I went to an estate sale today.  I was really looking forward to attending the opening of an art exhibit, but due to the unpredictable nature of my current illness, I didn't think it was a good idea.  (Think excessive burping...) Not classy.  Okay for an estate sale though!!

So I took my very reluctant daughter with me, who showed very little interest in anything until we made a third pass by this really cute orange dress.  She offhandedly said, "If I were to buy anything, it would be that".  Six dresses later, we made our way to the counter.  I convinced her to try them on so I could take some pictures while we still had some natural light coming in.  Ho hum, but okay.  Later, when I'm on the phone, she brings my camera to me, to show me the pictures (uhh...I took them??) Let's just say she was pleased and can't wait to wear her new/old clothes:

  Is this not the prettiest dress?  I think it's amazing, unique, and will be great to wear to a semi-fancy function.  She watched Mulan about 50 times when she was little.  Paying homage. 

Great wear to work dress.  Blazer--yep.  Cardigan--yep.  Ooh, over the shoulders with a sweater clip!  What do I know?  I'm not a Fashionista!

Every girl looks and feels great in a muted floral.  So feminine.  So Impressionistic.  So four dollars.  So happy.

Just darn cute!  The orange dress that started it all.

Fashionista or not, I really hope to someday be able to wear these gorgeous vintage clothes myself and not have to force fight  watch my daughter have all the fun.  Even though, as her mom, it's tons of fun for me.  It's great that I can still dress up my little girl...sometimes...when she lets me...when she's not rolling her eyes...when she feels like indulging me...when she loves the clothes even more than I do!

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