Thursday, September 5, 2013

99 Down...1 more to go!

I can't believe I've kept this up for over three months!  I started out vowing not to miss a post, but I have missed one here and there.  That's probably good, because I likely didn't have anything interesting to say.  So consider that I saved you from undue boredom.  Anyway, I'm having a giveaway on my Facebook page tomorrow in honor of my 100th post (this being 99).  I'm still working out the details, but I'm giving away some cool vintage and new items that I just walked around the house and chose.  That's about it--but I think there's something here for almost everyone, so be sure to enter!  14th Street Vintage on Facebook.  

I really shouldn't admit this, but I will...I ran the kitchen sink over tonight.  I ran the kitchen sink over yesterday too.  Explanation:  the water pressure is crazy low.  It takes about 15 minutes to fill the sink.  I can't stand there and watch it, so I always find something else to do while I wait.  Like sweep the floor.  Make the bed.  Get on the computer.  GET...ON...THE...COMPUTER.  'Nuff said.
This has happened more times than I care to admit, but even if I was willing to admit it, it's happened so many times that I've lost count.  My kids keep telling me to just stand there!  Don't move!  Well, they are asleep and don't know that I have towels all over the kitchen floor right now.  They'll wake up and think the sound of dripping water they "thought" they heard was just a beautiful dream about running under a waterfall or something.  Now to hide these wet towels...

I joined a group of friends who have started a "be positive" movement.  For the month of September, we are not too allow any negative thoughts to enter our positive minds.  Well, I guess the point is not too allow them to take over.  Look on the bright side!  This is how I fared today:

I realized something, that with all the sweating I do, I no longer need moisturizer.

After the lady cut me off in traffic and then had the nerve to give me a dirty look, I felt bad about calling her "stupid" and "ugly", but it was too late to take it back.  Besides which she was stupid and ugly.  I'm positive that she was.

Walgreens was out of the $1 aspirin, but they gave me a coupon for $3 off the $3 aspirin.  Now if they'd had the $1 aspirin, I could have used the $3 coupon on something else.  I didn't bother to tell them that I was aware that I was still losing out.  See me being positive??

I drove all over downtown Chicago today and didn't get frazzled.  Normally, this would frazzle me.  Pedestrians and cab drivers are particularly frazzling.  Good thing I'm so positive.

The positive vibes are oozing out of me and you probably can't take much more, so I'll just stop there.

Tomorrow's the Big Day!

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