Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Beachy Keen

I've found myself on the shores of Lake Michigan this summer more times than ever before.  I've been doing a lot of driving and a lot of waiting.  I figured out that parking at the beach is more plentiful and in most cases cheaper than looking for a space on the street.  While waiting yesterday, I headed straight east to the lakefront where the parking was free at this particular beach.  I walked a little, but it was really hot, so I sat on a rock and returned some phone calls.  Little did I know until I really paid attention to the activity on the sand and in the water, that this was a DOG BEACH.  Hmmm...I decided that I'd stay where I was and not venture too close to the water because, well, it's kind of like a giant litter box, right?  What I did do was watch, and I got the biggest kick out of that.  Dogs everywhere!  And so well behaved!  It really was a joy to watch them running all over, in and out of the water, and making friends.  I don't know, but they looked like really happy dogs.

                                                  Any excuse to get my toes in the sand...

One lady walked near me on her way back to her car.  She, in her bikini, had four dogs trailing her.  One Great Dane, one Doberman, and two terriers that resembled pit bulls, but she had other names for them.  They were so well trained that I was almost not nervous.  What nervousness I did have, I hid it well.  The Great Dane seemed very interested in me and he stayed the closest.  At one point she said something in German, and all four dogs stood on the rocks and posed for a picture.  I kid you not.  She commanded them with one word, and all four turned towards the camera.  I had to ask.  How exactly are you doing that?  She explained that she was a dog trainer, and had taken an online course over one year.  Hey, anyone that thinks online coursework is a joke should see this lady in action.  I was recruited to take a few shots of her with the dogs, after which they waited patiently while we talked.  After about five minutes, she spoke again and all four dogs jumped into her open Jeep.  I couldn't resist getting a shot of the five of them driving away.  Cool.

I have always loved to watch children at play but I don't think this will be my last trip to the dog beach.  It was great watching the four-legged kids having a good time.  I might even bring my own dog next time.

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