Monday, October 28, 2013

I was trying to figure out why I'm so sleepy.  I had decided to just give up and skip writing, but I've pretty much used my last excused absence.  So I logged back on then remembered...I chugged some NyQuil about 40 minutes ago.  NyQuil is the best sleep buddy around.

In the middle of moving, and I've made very little progress.  The mover cancelled.  There's tons of stuff to be packed.  But I'm not stressing because I know that I WILL get it done, even if it means an all-nighter Wednesday night.

Honestly, I can't even think straight, which means I need to log off, because there's no telling what I might say.  To play it safe, and protect my reputation, I'm letting it go.  I can barely hold my head uppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp....see, that's what happens!

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