Wednesday, October 30, 2013

I Hate Moving!!!!!

Moving is almost done, and if it's possible for every bone, ligament, cartilage and piece of flesh in your body to hurt, mine does.  (Add the skin in there too..) I cannot believe that after moving from a house, giving away tons of stuff, including furniture, clearing out an entire garage and basement, and STILL filling up two storage lockers, I'm at it again.  I had to get three!  In a two-bedroom apartment?  How did this happen?

It took two men four hours to move me, at $75 an hour. Granted, I am on the third floor and didn't want to ask anyone to help me move, so I got the pros and paid pro money.  Moving is tiring and expensive, and once I get settled, I will not be doing this again unless I am packing up nothing but myself and moving someplace warm and furnished.  I even hated moving back and forth to college and I didn't have much then but clothes.  Just not for everyone and definitely not for me.

Now I have a full night of cleaning to look forward to, and I'm hoping and praying that the things I kept to give away are picked up as planned.  I have a kitchen table, a bed and a bench that have been promised---if the beneficiaries of my generosity don't show up, I'll be making a few trips to Goodwill.  PLEASE COME!!!!!

Thanks for the nice break but I gotta get back at it.  Love you guys!

1 comment:

Thriftanista in the City said...

Oh boy! Hang in there! I know it's going to look fabulous when you're all settled.