Monday, February 17, 2014

Enough Already!

Some say the world will end in fire.
Some say in ice.

So begins one of my favorite poems by Robert Frost.  It's one of the first poems I remember liking so much that I committed it to memory.  I think it was 6th grade.  I never quite decided which one I favored, but I do know that both are wrong.

The world will end in snow.

It snowed all day today, adding over six inches to the 12 or so that was already on the ground.  This could be the snowiest winter ever, and as much as I am used to driving in it, today was stressful.  I would have loved to just stay in, but I had a few places that I needed to be, so I made several trips out.  Visibility was so limited that I was a little nervous.  $25 million dollars so far this year in Chicago spent on snow management.  Why didn't my parents advise me to major in snow management?  I'd be so rich right now.

Every winter has it's own special stories, and this season we have quite a few.  Today, we get "ThunderSnow".  Yep, it was thundering as the snowflakes came down.  Add in a few bolts of lightning and not only would I have some amazing pictures to show you, I'd also probably have a much longer blog post to write.  However since I didn't actually witness it, I can only post what the internet says it looks like:

Pretty cool, huh?

The dog doesn't want to go out, the car coughs more than I do in the morning, and I can't see my hand in front of my face.  I didn't even hit half price day at the Thrift Store. When will it end?  It's supposed to reach 40 tomorrow, which means that everything will melt, only to refreeze the next day.  ICE.  My life has become one big blur of white and I feel like I'm living in the fridge.  If I keep writing, I'll start complaining.  Or is it too late for that?

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