Thursday, January 22, 2015


I just posted a comment on Facebook about how I dream about going into thrift stores that don't actually exist.  This is worth mentioning, because although these stores are my subconscious creations, they reappear from time to time.  Yes, I visit the same several stores in my dreams, and have for many years. 
When I posted that comment, it occurred to me that I haven't "visited" my favorite stores in a really long time.  Probably a couple of years.  It's a little fuzzy...I was asleep, after all.  

I also inhabit several homes.  My daughter used to ask me "What house were you in last night, Mom?"  Sometimes it would be the A Frame, sometimes the Victorian...this is also during my REM cycle.  I'm not having any "out of body" experiences. No metaphysics.  Just a creative mind that refuses to shut down just because the rest of me does.  And just like the thrift stores (I just realized what a hard core thrifter that makes me) I haven't been to my other homes in a long time either.  

What is going on here?  Am I less creative?  Less explorative?  Less adventurous?  Less restless?  Geez, this is huge!  I've been doing this for years, and now it's just...gone?  

I also used to have a recurring dream about a room that was WAY up high in a house.  I had to go up some stairs, across a room and then through a door which led to another set of stairs and so on.  After about seven levels there was a door that I never opened.  My kids used to ask me all the time if I'd opened that door last night.  They were SO curious to know.  The answer was always no.  But one night, I actually did open the door.  The room was empty.  They were so disappointed.  I was relieved.  Now I'm wondering if the emptiness was the actual message.  Man, I really wasn't planning on doing any thinking tonight.  This should make for some interesting dreams.  :)

I'm committed to having lights out my eleven tonight.  I've been running on far too little sleep for someone my age, and now I'm forcing myself to go to sleep with "interesting" things on my mind.  I'll know in about seven hours whether I'm  running a little vintage thrift store in the basement of my Tudor Style mansion.  Or in that empty room...

It's been a really long time since I've spent any time reflecting on how unusual I can sometimes be.  Even to me.  Okay, I'm going to bed.  I'll leave you with a little Fleetwood Mac lullaby. Sweet Dreams!

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