Monday, September 2, 2013

Moving Right Along...

...from the bottle painting disaster of yesterday.  I'm not even looking at that hideous thing until I figure out how to undo everything I did.  Eewww!

Instead, let me just say that kids make you work.  Even the nearly grown ones.

My son wears khakis to school everyday--it's part of his uniform.  He looks very handsome in his blue blazer, button down and tie, but it gets boring and I feel for him.  To mix things up, we're always on the lookout for khakis.  He's embraced the "skinny" slacks so that's my new mission, to find skinny khakis or anything cool and NOT so uniform.  Last week I found a really nice, nearly new pair of not so skinnys, but really nice American Eagle slacks for him at Savers.  They were too long, so he tossed them in the "no" pile.  A few days later, he says "These are really nice.  I like these.  Can you do anything about the length?"  Not in the mood to sew through four layers of heavy fabric, and unable to locate the sewing machine (don't ask), I went to my old standby...Stitch Witchery.  I put a very nice, even and flat hem in those pants that he couldn't even tell.  Tonight, I asked him if he needed anything ironed for school tomorrow, and he presented those same pants.  The hem was gone!  I know that these hems can fall out if you don't put enough pressure and heat on them, but even with that, the entire thing doesn't usually come out without some help, not including the washer.  So why was it that after just one washing, the whole thing had come out of both legs?  "Oh, I thought that was fabric softener, so I pulled it off".  Fabric softener...all the way around the hem...on both pant legs...and nowhere else.  I found myself wishing he'd left them in the "no" pile because they would have eventually made it to my "yes" pile that I am saving for when he's older, taller, or just wants something new and is willing to take a second look at his rejects.  Sheepishly he says, "sorry Mom...can it be put back in?"  HooBoy!

Today was a pretty boring Labor Day, which I guess isn't so bad.  The idea is not to do any labor, right?  I made plans to attend an art fair, thinking that the weather was going to be cool and breezy.  I don't know what the temperature actually reached, but I know that I was HOT.  Uh, no outside activities for me today.  Instead, I watched a "Minute to Win It" marathon at my mom's house.  Old sitcoms, religious programming and the news are standard fare, along with game shows.  If the Game Show Network is on when I arrive, I am absolutely not interested--until I sit down.  Four episodes in and I realize two hours have passed and I am yelling at the television.  What has my life come to?  Art fair vs. game show and the game show wins?  Oh my, it's worse than I thought.

It's pretty quiet here on 14th Street tonight, except for the incredibly annoying din of the downstairs neighbor's video game with surround sound.  Really?  Is this necessary?  You live in an apartment!  As much as I love being back here, I hope to move again soon.  Maybe I'll return in a few years...when I'm an empty nester, when they install an elevator in this building, and when the video game downstairs is obsolete.  It could happen!

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