Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Random Things That Happened Today.

I saw a lady standing on the sidewalk.  She walked into the street, spit into a pothole, then went back to her spot on the sidewalk.  I hate potholes too.

I went to the doctor today and my daughter was with me.  The handsome young doctor, whom I refer to as "doctor" introduced himself to my daughter using his first name.  Why does she get to be on a first name basis with him?  Surely youth and beauty had nothing to do with it.

An x-ray tech handed me a cup of white stuff to drink, but not before she donned a lead trench coat.  I am uncomfortable with this.  She needs protection to hand it to me but I can drink it.  Not cool.  I'll tell you what was cool though.  I had to stand on a platform with my back against a wall.  Later I had to face the wall.  I had to hug the wall.  The wall turned into a table and I got to ride on it.  Whee!  That was fun.  No, I mean it really was fun.

I saw a sign that said "Whites Stay White".  Seemed odd until I realized it was a Dry Cleaners.

I inadvertently startled a squirrel when I was leaving the house this afternoon.  He was so frazzled that he ran straight into a brick wall.  I heard his little head "thunk!" Then he turned around and ran the other way.  Never seen a squirrel do that before.  They always seem to be so aware.

After my tests they gave me two coupons for the cafeteria.  Everyone's getting in on the coupon craze.  The $5 in coupons made being nuked SO worth it.  And that's how the hospital keeps 'em coming back.  (They have apparently hired a marketing genius.)

I saw a guy with a noose tattooed around his neck.  No comment.

I saw a business called "Reliable Fabrications"  Is that possible?  I mean, if it's a fabrication, how reliable can it be?

And, I saw a restaurant called "The Dog's Bollox".  Of course I had to look it up to see what it meant, but I had a pretty good idea.  I don't eat at any restaurant referencing a dog in it's name because it just grosses me out.  The Hairy Dog, The Lazy Dog, The Salty Dog, The Hungry Hound...hate all of them. I don't even eat hot dogs. But this one just took my dog/restaurant aversion to a new level.  Now excuse me while I go pluck out my mind's eye.

                                           See?? Some things just shouldn't be combined. 

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