Friday, September 27, 2013


A couple of days ago I wrote about several things that struck me as "odd" during that day.  Unfortunately, I forgot one--one that struck me as not just odd, but really funny.  And curious.

So, apparently strip clubs "Gentlemen's Clubs" are kosher now, since they're popping up everywhere.  I can think of three within 10 miles of my house, in either direction.  They all sit a little off the beaten path, just outside of town, or in the middle of a cluster of factories, but easily visible from the highway.  There is one straight down 14th Street.  When it was going up, I thought it was a banquet facility.  I would have thought it was a casino, but there's no licensing for that in this area yet.  Finally, I figured out what was going on.  I was initially shocked, but now, it's just another building that I pass about once a week, and I don't pay too much attention to it.  It's probably livelier at night, but during the day it's just a building with an empty parking lot.  Since I never go that way at night, I may never know.  About the same time as this one was built, another one popped up, very visible from the expressway.  I'm usually whizzing by but as luck would have it, the traffic was a little jammed yesterday.  This gave me the opportunity to look around and what to my wondering eyes should appear?  A marquee advertisement for "Amateur Night".  At the strip club?  Just what would that entail?  I can just imagine the professionals snickering at the lack of skill, or being insulted at the mimicry of their profession.  And what is the real need for amateur night?  Some dancers took the night off and they're short on entertainment?  Is this an on the job interview?  Maybe a stripper strike?  Scabs!  What ever happened to solidarity?  Didn't these people see "Billy Elliott"?  Perhaps I'm overthinking the whole thing, but Amateur Night at the strip club just has me scratching my head.  And laughing.

Wouldn't you know it?  I did a quick search for a funny picture for this post.  First listing?  A 16-step how to for...wait for it...


It's worse than I thought.  Still scratching my head but not laughing as loudly.  Great reminder of my advancing age.  I'm such a square.

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