Thursday, August 1, 2013

Ready for my close-up!

I realized tonight that there are three stages of embarrassment.  Shock, anger and laughing at yourself for being such a dork.  I tripped going up the stairs to my sister's house (there are only two steps, btw) and landed on all fours on her porch.  My son came out to help me, but only after asking "WHAT are you DOING?", which launched me quickly into Stage 2.  I didn't get to stay in Stage 1 very long.  I guess he heard me fall.  I guess he heard me moaning and my knees popping as I tried to get up.  At any rate, I was still trying to figure out what happened when he appeared, incredulous.  Stage 3 didn't happen until after I stopped at Burger King for an ice cream cone.  I'm still laughing two hours later.  Well, not out loud, but I'm laughing inside.  Dork.  


I have quite a few pieces of furniture and decorative items that are being stored solely because I plan to paint them...someday.

I have an old Victrola cabinet that I have wanted to paint for years.  This year, it's getting done!  In the meantime, I stick with my small projects to give me some sense of accomplishment.  The Victrola is going to need a little more care, especially when choosing just the right type of paint (and color!) that will make it look it's best--close-up ready.  It's a major piece and I love it.  I don't want any regrets...

Today, I painted a few things.  See for yourself:

My "creepy" candleabra finally got a fresh new look!

So proud of this find!  People are always looking for bar carts, and I found two in one week!  I'm going to sell it because it will become a "catch-all" for keys and other junk if it stays with me. 

The vanity seat formerly known as "Rust Bucket".  A little off-white spray paint, and it's camera-ready.  Now for the seat---maybe I'll post pics of the fabric options and let you all vote.  I don't want to decide. 

If I wasn't so sleepy I'd paint some shoes.

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