Yes, I totally stole that line from Judy Collins, and don't you dare ask me who that is!
In less than two hours, the sky went from this:
To this!
And I'm not sure which one I like best!
My kids don't get my fascination with clouds, and at times are completely impatient (and embarrassed) with my attempts to stop the car and take pictures of them. How can you not be intrigued? If I wasn't needing to watch the road, I stare at them a lot more than I do. Yes, I was stalking another construction site earlier, but I was downtown Chicago, waiting for my daughter, and hoping to avoid putting any more money in that darn parking box by watching for the meter maid. After I paid $5 and realized I only had an hour and 15 minutes to park, I decided that I would just sit in the car if my daughter's interview wasn't over by then and watch for him or her. Four bucks an hour is obscene! With no ticket writers in sight, I got out of the car and took a few shots of a building renovation going on nearby. I figured for five dollars, I might as well have something to bring home to show for it. Not two hours later, I was rushing into the house, trying to avoid the rain that was obviously coming when I decided to grab the camera again. I mean, those clouds are gorgeous! And they need no retouching, unlike my "selfies".
Tomorrow my 12-year old nephew is in a encore performance if you will. He is reprising his role of the Angel in "Broken Butterfly". (Typecasting is so overrated.) Anyway, I'm the only one in our family who didn't see it the first time around. I understand that he really hammed it up the first time so I'm expecting him to "outdo" himself and give me something to write about. Not a shy bone in his body and he tends to "go big". I'm expecting to laugh a lot, even though I don't believe it's a comedy.
I'm working on a few things here in my "office bed" tonight.
I know it's awful but it does have Garrett's popcorn! I really am working...I really am...
Just a reminder, with Labor Day approaching:
You have 3 days left to wear white!
For my part, I'm wearing the off-white shoes I bought two days ago tomorrow, Sunday and Monday, just to get it out of my system. I so wish that I had found them sooner! And on the creative front, one simple no-sew project and one painting project to be completed tomorrow. Hold me to that, okay?? I'll have so much to share! Happy Long Weekend!