Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Eye of the Tiger!

That is, if the tiger has pink eye.  I'm still struggling with my eye issues, and I look like I have an insane case of conjunctivitis, which I don't. No, nothing that simple for me!  I have a blocked tear duct along with a scratched cornea.  It looks scary and feels the same way.  Actually, I'm much better today, which is why I'm up typing, albeit with one eye closed.

I woke up yesterday in pain, and the light made it about 50x worse.  I kept my eyes closed for as long as I could, then I had to get up.  I put on my shades because I have tons of natural light in my place.  Funny how quickly the best thing ever (tons of windows!) became my worst enemy.  I channeled my inner Cory Hart and wore them until bedtime.

Shout out to all the one-hit wonders!

 I'm working my way back up to marathon online sessions, but I just couldn't go two days in a row without blogging.  This is the most committed I've been to anything since I stopped buying McDonald's chocolate chip frappes every night.  

My child in Guatemala now says she's staying another two weeks.  What happened to finding a job?  She says that she can waitress over there, but they have no idea what they're getting into.  I did not raise a domestic goddess, nor did I raise a daughter who can balance more than one plate at a time.  This should be interesting.  

I assume the food is good??

So basically folks, I just wanted to check in.  I'll be back tomorrow (or late tonight, as it were) with something more substantive.  BTW, ALL my plans got derailed this week due to the "Eye".  That's what I get for making them in the first place.  

Oh look, I just found this!  On second thought, maybe I do have "the eye of the Tiger" after all!
Is this mean?

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