Sunday, June 29, 2014

Style Can Be A Challenge.

Almost one year ago today, I spent an afternoon visiting with my childhood friend at her house which sits on a beautiful lake.  The timing wasn't planned, but when I looked back at my post from that day, it was June 30 of last year.  I hadn't been to her house since then. 

We had great, fresh and healthy fare.  She's a bit of a health nut and grows and makes her own everything.  The freshly made hummus and vegetable soup were light, yet filling, the fresh fruit with yogurt and the warm from the oven ginger snaps rounded the meal off nicely.  I have tried to figure out how she has the time for this, with a full time job and four girls, but cooking is one of her hobbies.  I guess she spends about as much time at it as I do decorating and re-decorating rooms.  So while we both devote a lot of our time to hobbies, hers results in a great home-cooked meal every time.  Mine just results in something pretty to look at but puts nothing in your belly.  I tried to get a few freebies from her, namely one of her antique tables, but no luck there.  I did leave with a pot of dirt and a few "babies" from her spider plant.  In a few weeks I'll have a viable "spidey" of my own. 
These things are super easy to grow.  I haven't had one in years!
While I was there, she invited me to a tea party/bridal shower for her daughter.  She says that I have to wear "a sundress and a hat".  Sundresses aren't in the current rotation because I'm not digging my arms these days, and I never wear hats because I have a big head.  There, I said it.  But I consider it a challenge, which I love.  I'll report on my progress...
In the meantime, I took on another #TSC Style Challenge, and this time it was all about the floral shorts.  Shorts aren't in my rotation either, and haven't been for many years (like 20), but I dug around in my closet and came up with this:
I was very leery about the pattern mixing.  I've seen it done well, I've seen it overdone, and I've seen it ridiculous.  I am also very conscious, sometimes self-conscious about how "trends" look on me.  At my age and current size, this could easily become "clownish" but I was surprisingly satisfied with the way this turned out and kept it on all day, ditching the shoes because this pair isn't quite sensible enough for me. 

It's been a few weeks since I posted my "Super Sunday" outfit.  Today's theme was black and white.  Super easy--just hard to make a decision.  
I just realized I'm not wearing bracelets!  First time for everything...
I also see just how unsightly the driveway weeds are.  More work...

The accessories are all thifted, including the vintage silver and tortoiseshell bag and the see-through and silver shoes. I found them about two years ago and this is the first time I've worn them.  They were more comfortable than I'd expected, so I'm adding them to the "sensible" list.  

Feel free to show me your Tea Party style because I'm open to suggestions.  I'll be thinking about it all week, in between working, cleaning and gardening.  I'll feed my family too, but there is no homemade hummus or warm ginger snaps in our future...

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Thrift Style Challenge!

This amazing outfit was posted on Facebook as a style challenge.  The inspiration is a web series from Ghana called "An African City".  I've never seen it, but apparently the fashion alone makes it worth watching.  We were challenged to create a look using thrift store finds, which pays homage to this one.  Well aware that entries were due on the 21st, I was still super surprised to learn this morning that today was the day.  It sounded like everyone was in a similar predicament, and had nothing to show.  Not wanting to be a quitter, I took a quick look in my closet, which was all I needed to tell me that I had NOTHING.  Plan B--my daughter's closet.  I asked her where "that Stevie Nicks top" was that I bought from a thrift store back in the winter.  Although she said at the time that she would "probably" wear it, it remained unworn until today.  I figured that at least I'd have something flowy to mimic the attitude of the shirt in the picture.  We dug it out and I was happy to see that it was still as awesome as I remembered.  Alas, no pencil skirts in her wardrobe, so now what?  Amazing, at least to me, that I'd picked up this Express maxi skirt at the Free Store.  She really had no plans of wearing it, but we both agreed that this outfit was going to be a winner.  I was thinking that this shirt was navy blue, but you may remember that navy and black are pretty much the same to me.  This midnight blue skirt with the black lace overlay made it very clear that the shirt was indeed black.  Since the resemblance to the outfit above was still quite a "stretch", she put her hair up so at least that was a match.  I also wasn't happy that our version wasn't really summery, so we pushed up the long sleeves which added some drape to the arms as well as made it more appropriate for summer.  The long sides are super dramatic and gave the top a similar look and feel.  We added silver sandals and bright vintage bangles to bring even more summer into the look.  We went outside to try a few shots, and I decided to grab a pair of shades.  I figured I'd get a pair of vintage tortoiseshells, but found this vintage blue pair with a slight cat-eye and super dark lenses.  The blue and black theme was solidified.  The purse pulled the whole thing together with black, silver, and bling.  It was amazingly simple and so much fun to find all of this right in our own closets and in about ten minutes.  This was one of those days that validated my whole obsession with collecting fashion that I either can't or rarely wear:

That this top has a cropped "feel" was a bonus.  The show of skin brought it even closer to the vibe of the original, but is covered enough for my very conservative daughter to feel comfortable in.  

It was such a fickle day weather-wise that every time the sun and clouds switched places, the color of the skirt changed, which was another pleasant surprise.  What I had originally conceived as a darker, more serious version of the style inspiration, turned out to be it's sophisticated and sexy cousin.  I always surprise myself by being more of a fashionista than I'd ever considered, but I guess if you're creative, it just spills over into everything.  For that gift, I am extremely grateful.

I see more style challenges in my future!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

No Place Like Home!

 As much as I like to dine out, a great home-cooked meal trumps everything else. My kids seem to agree because I've never heard them say "oh can't we just go out to eat?" when they see me in the kitchen cooking.  I am really lucky that they have never been picky and are always open to trying new things.  Today I tried dandelion greens for the first time.  It seems a little wrong that I just paid someone to get rid of the dandelions in my yard, only to go to Whole Foods and cough up $2.99 a pound for them.  

I knew they were bitter, so rather than using my "pinch of this" method, I consulted Epicurious for a recipe.  It was pretty normal greens preparation, but they suggested boiling them for ten minutes before sauteeing.  Sea salt, a pinch of red pepper flakes and a little onion sauteed in olive oil before adding the greens:

As with all greens, they cooked down to barely anything.  I didn't buy a lot since I wasn't sure about how they'd taste.  It turned out to be just enough for all three of us to decide that this was not a dish I should try again.  I love greens--collards, kale, mustards, turnips--but dandelion greens were not my faves.  I was curious, so I got that out of my system.  Nope.  Not awful, but not on the short list for a repeat performance.

Now this!  This is a winner in my book.  I've been making a lot of iced tea this spring/summer.  A few weeks ago I bought lavender/honey tea bags and made iced tea.  Thumbs up all the way.  Sixteen tea bags gone within a week--we couldn't get enough of it.  The following week I couldn't find the same brand, so I went with a lavender tea and figured it couldn't be that different.  Nope again.  It was okay, mixed with my favorite bottled green tea, but no more lavender tea for us until I remember where I bought the first box.  While shopping the other day I found this.  Sounded good to me since I love ginger, and turmeric is really good for you. I didn't even realize I was buying iced tea bags, but was pleasantly surprised to find three gigantic bags inside.  Add this to the list of summer teas that we'll be drinking.  Delish!
I found a use for this vintage thermal carafe that I bought a few weeks ago.
I knew I needed it!  I was able to add the tea while it was hot, add some
ice cubes and put it right into the fridge.  And it's pretty...
 We love salmon in this house and eat it frequently.  I always play around with the seasonings, but it 's always good.  I used a lot of parsley, a little bit of honey, a squeeze of fresh lemon and I even poured in some of the tea.  My son ate it again today for lunch.  Tastes as good as it looks!

I found this window screen in my mom's basement and it gave me an idea for these eight-inch letters that I bought last week with no real purpose in mind.  In honor of my favorite place.  Now, what color should I paint it??
There really is no place like it.
I'm totally enjoying my little house, my big yard and my fantastic children.  So happy together!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Thrifted, Found, Lucked up on...

Perhaps unwisely, I've been dividing my time between indoor and outdoor projects, with quite a bit of thrifting and selling in between.  Per my recent posts, I've been working on some gardening projects (including planting strawberries tonight after I finish this post. I took a four hour nap and I'm wide awake at 11pm), some home decor projects and some fashion projects.  

I found time over the weekend to attend a music awards show and I had a great time.  It was a rare chance for me to get dressed up and out on a Friday night.  Saturday found me in the yard adding some potted begonias to the mix and planting a few perennials.  There is still so much to do!  I'm working on one bed at a time.  I have a total of four.  Anticipating the work I have to put in doesn't concern me nearly as much as the money!  I did find a great deal at a local greenhouse and got three humongous hanging pots for $35.  That added some real drama to the front of the house.  I'm hoping that sale goes on for awhile because I need about six more.  Sounds tacky you say?  You know me better than that!  Imma make it do what it'll see!

I did say that I had done some thrifting didn't I?  I'm still getting you caught up on my fabulous finds from the last few weeks, and still I added a few "new" things this week.  Most importantly, I found shoes.  

                                       Things I thrifted, found, lucked up on...
I picked this up and put it down a few times at the Free Store.  Ultimately, it left with me.
Mikasa 22K gold trimmed china dish.  I kinda have a thing for leaves.

To further make my point that sizes mean NOTHING, especially when you are dealing
with vintage clothing--this dress is tagged "size 11".  It's more like a 4-6.  Seriously.
But that color!  I washed it, as I often do with vintage clothing that says "dry clean only".
The fabric lost some stiffness, but other than that it's fine.  The lighter color peeking out
at the cuffs is the lining, which wasn't showing before I washed it.  I think it's a nice
addition.  From OOPS! to AHHH!

My niece left this cute headband in my car.  It looks amazing on this straw purse.
Thanks, Khylah!

Latest addition to my sensible shoe collection.  Denim floral pumps with a 2 inch heel
I can handle that.  They are quite comfortable and quite cute!  

Thrifted this 30 inch square painting on canvas for $5.  Come on...somebody up there
really likes me.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Game On!

That's right, I'm in the middle of a heated battle with...myself.  
I am so competitive that I have convinced myself that there's a gardening contest of some sort going on.  That makes so much more sense than the real reason why I'm up at 1 a.m. plotting out my next attack on the weeds, dead bushes and bare spots in the lawn that I have inherited.  The real reason is I just can't stand to have this house un- or even half-done.  I feel like time's a-wastin' when I still have so much to do.  I cannot relax and enjoy until EVERYTHING is right.  Like this yard.  Wow, it's a real mess.  I'm hoping that an array of pretty flowers will detract from the eyesores that I can't do anything about, like the huge spot in the front yard that is left from removing a tree several years ago.  No one thought that they should maybe, I don't know, PLANT SOME GRASS?  It's light brown, hard and cracked as my feet the Sahara. Okay, so I've seeded it and am attempting to keep it wet, but that's not working out so well.  In the meantime, I've added some color.  I'm doing what I can...
Profusely flowering hanging pots cover a multitude of sins.  And neglect.
    I found a bunch of hideously dirty white plastic chairs.  They were too far gone to clean.  Luckily I always have spray paint!  This turquoise color took amazingly well.  In fact, I've used it before and it has never looked quite this spectacular.  I have decided that it is absolutely made for plastic. 

Definitely doing this again.  I have four more chairs!  YAY!


I had to buy this pot.  It matches the chairs!
On the lower shelf you can see my painted wooden shoes, waiting for their assignment.  I'm thinking herbs...

I even have some pretty light strings and a few yellow poppies planted in the yard where apparently another tree was removed, leaving a huge, misshapen berm-ish lump of mulch right in the middle of the BACK YARD.  Disgusting.  But at least it's pliable.  In fact, in some spots it feels like quicksand.  The Sahara spot has a darker, more evil, twin.  

I promise, one day I'll be done and you're invited to the housewarming.  Bring ice packs and Ben-Gay 'cause this girl is hurtin'...playing against your fiercest competitor, especially when it's yourself, takes a toll on you.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Free Store 2014

This is a great concept.  Bring stuff.  Take stuff.  Fashion swaps are all the rage now, often as a means of making money for the host.  For a small admission fee, you get snacks, drinks and the chance to sift through other people's castoffs.  Typically, the stuff is in very good condition, it's a great chance to socialize, and you get to bring home "new" clothes and accessories without having to first hide them in your trunk.  You know who you are...

The Free Store takes this idea to a  whole new level by spending months collecting items in a garage, then, with a small crew of volunteers, trucking it to a different venue and neighborhood every few months.  I came across one in the fall and decided that I wanted to get involved.  People were in and out all day, bringing additional items, and "shopping".  In addition to clothing and accessories, household items, electronics, and even haircuts and fresh baked cookies are among the offerings at a typical event, but no one is like the other.  Last Saturday I was honored to assist the artists who sponsor The Free Store here in Chicago by hauling, setting up, and greeting the customers.  I met some amazing neighbors in the Englewood area where we were lucky enough to get space from a local elementary school.  A set of tires was one of the most sought after items.  During the two hours we set up (both inside and outside the school), they caught the eye of quite a few passersby.  People kept asking "how much?"  They couldn't believe that everything was free!  By the time we opened, we had about 40 people waiting.  Great conversation, a few "characters" and lots of happy kids!  The toys were set up in the schoolyard and children who had never met made fast friends.  A very generous fashion stylist donated dozens of pairs of new brand name jeans and gym shoes.  I received a few hugs from parents who were overcome with emotion at this unbelievable show of good will.  For the organizers, it's an expression of creativity and responsibility to the earth.  For me, it was just fun to see happy people.  In a community that has been struggling for quite some time, this was much-needed and the excitement and appreciation of the people of Englewood was tangible.  I can't wait to do it again.  

Of course, I did a little "shopping" of my own...
My daughter's been wanting a pair of "Kim Possible" pants for, like, ever.  (Shoulda ironed those babies!)
Her favorite color combo of pink and orange...

This Tommy Hilfiger cardigan was new with tags!

This made in Ireland sweater is going to be a welcome sight when the cold weather returns...and it will.

Vintage Cobbie blazer.

Express maxi skirt...
Express Design Studio shirt.  This is really cute.  Pay no attention to the wrinkles. 
And this is just part of the haul!  I worked a few hours, met some amazing people, and took home some nice additions to my daughter's wardrobe.  Alas, all the plus-sized clothing was brought by me.  I did NOT bring any of it back home.  

Why not host a FREE STORE in your town???

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Off The Wagon...Again.

It's been a full week since I posted.  That is BAD!  A year ago I started out blogging every day, and now it's "thinned out" to a couple of posts a week, or less.  It's not that I don't have anything to say, I've just been too busy to say it.  I helped out and "shopped" the Free Store on Saturday and found some amazing things.  I have put my kids on notice that they are participating in a photo shoot tomorrow.  As with so much of what I find, it doesn't fit me so that's when the kids and the dummy step in.  Can't wait!  This was supposed to happen two days ago but that time thing just keeps getting in the way.  

Of course no week would be complete without squeezing in at least one project.  I watched a friend's five year old all week last week, and we decided to decorate a pair of wooden shoes for my garden:  

 I also finally got around to cleaning up this vintage bar cart.  There were many layers of dirt and sticky stuff on it.  It's a gleaming beauty now and I still can't figure out where to put it.

I found Ralph Lauren flats that are comfortable enough to earn the title "new bff".  $7 at SA.

And the ever-elusive bowling pin.  I've been looking for one for a very long time.  My son thought it was cool and snagged it for his room.  That is a first. 

I hung my cowboys over the stove to help me "rustle up" some grub.  No?  How about "wrangle" some vittles?  Umm....maybe they can just hold the potholders and oven mitts.  

So although I haven't been writing, I have been creating, rearranging, and reimagining.  I even got a good start on the yard.  So many projects, so little time.  But I really do have to get back on the wagon.  

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

I've Seen the Future, and It's Wearing Qiana...

I stole that title from the internet when I found this picture...

Jenny Agutter in Logan's Run: I have seen the future... and it's wearing Qiana.
Jenny Agutter in "Logan's Run"...all decked out in her futuristic Qiana minidress.

I love vintage fabric and I have quite a lot of it.  The problem is, I don't sew anymore.  So I buy it when I find patterns that I like, keep them for awhile, and then attempt to sell it.  I found two pieces of vintage fabric recently, and while I plan to sell one of them, I'm keeping the other one because I love the way it flows, and the pattern on it almost jumps off the fabric.  I recognized it immediately as a fabric which had a good run of popularity when I was a teen.  Qiana.  Top designers used it.  My brother and my Dad had shirts made out of it.  And if you wanted a really dressy dress...Qiana.  People even named their children after it, but I'm not going to comment on that today.  

I started wondering what happened to it.  It just kind of faded into the sunset and I haven't heard of it in years.  Of course I Googled it, and found a Pinterest page dedicated to it, "I Love Qiana".  So what is Qiana, anyway?  It's a man-made fabric by DuPont, which really became popular in the 70's.  It was so perfect for disco-ing the night away.  It looked a little like silk, but it was stretchy and weighty.  Check it out:



And here's mine:

I swear, the flowers look and feel like they could be peeled right off of the fabric.  I see a skirt with a black t-shirt.  Now if I could just remember how to thread that sewing machine...

I also found about four yards of this amazing, bold print (not Qiana:) )--

If I had found this a month ago, it would certainly have figured into my living room decor.  At this point I have nothing to use it for, so up for sale it goes!  

If you've never owned anything made with Qiana, or have never even heard of it, check out your Dad's closet.  Waaaaayyyy in the back.  I'll bet he's holding onto a few Qiana shirts and they're hanging right next to his leisure suits.

Frankly, I thought the leisure suit was cool.  I still do.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Fun, Fashionable and Preferably Free!

 These awesome shoes continue to work overtime in my wardrobe, and now my daughter has discovered how comfortable and chic they are!  By far my favorite pair of "sensible shoes", I found these ugly ducklings at a thrift store for $4 and made them my first painting project.  They turned out so well that I've been hooked on leather paint ever since.  

No color theme intended, but the onset of summer just naturally brings out the brights.  Bright, neon colors seem so new, but they were even more popular in the 50's and 60's, as evidenced by the abundance of hot hues to be found in the vintage aisle, in the vintage stores, on the vintage racks, and in my closet.  Unfortunately, finding plus-size vintage clothing is tough, but I love having them around.  Lucky for me, my daughter isn't against trying out vintage styles, and when she tried this one on, it was a keeper. 

 With or without the belt and scarf, this dress is a winner!  Wrinkle-free, foldable and stuffable, polyester got a bad rap in the 70's.  The stuff is pure genius.  

I was "uber" happy to find a skirt for myself, which just happened to be of the same hue.  I bought a vintage Cobbie skirt that turned out to be a little too tight.  I was bummed, because I had this shimmery taupe sweater that I bought for the expressed purpose of wearing it with the turquoise skirt.  I held onto the dream and scored this Ship-n-Shore linen blend in a slightly darker version of the original.  The shoes are vintage Naturalizers that I embellished with beads from a collection amassed during my brief stint as a jewelry designer.  Well, I strung a lot of beads but couldn't figure out how to get the clasps on. It was fun and I still have a lot of them, but gave most to my niece who's a lot more determined to get her designs to the "wearable" stage.  Anyway, my dream outfit finally materialized and with my daughter loving the vintage dress and shoes, we ended up in the same colors.  I adore these vintage sunglasses.  The lenses are pretty scratched, but the frames are a great ombre blue, green, and turquoise. 

Still bright, but another great color, this coral tank picks up one of the many gorgeous colors in this vintage ethnic skirt.  She's in love with all things Latin, so it was a perfect choice for her.  I got it at my hoarder house haul.  She looks awesome...

We thrifted the Aeropostale shades for $1 somewhere, sometime.  It's gets to be a blur.  

I'm looking forward to a fun and fashionable summer.  And the more the word "free" is interjected in there, the happier I'll be!